How Can I Help?
Helping Those Affected by the Flood
We are hearing questions from family, friends, and those wanting to help inside and outside of Louisiana about what they can do to help provide relief. This is why we created this site. This hub is to provide a place where people can find information about how to assist people affected by the flood both in a local and remote capacity.
There are many ways to help those affected by the flood. Locally, many shelters, animal shelters, and rescue organizations are in need of volunteers. We've provided a list of local shelters and organizations in need of volunteers and their contact information below so you can find out when and where they need help. If you are outside of Louisiana, monetary or item donations are appreciated and are needed for those who lost their homes to the flood. Catapult has built an Amazon wish list of items most needed by shelters and will deliver these items to the shelters in need of supplies. You can make a donation of needed supplies or a monetary donation through this website and we at Catapult will make sure 100% of the donations and items will go to the efforts to help those in immediate need.